Puppies are a lot of fun when you first obtain them but just like small children they are also a lot of work. When you first obtain a puppy you really need to check its vaccination and worming history. Diseases such Like parvo and distemper are very real and easily preventable by vaccinations. If your Novel puppy has hwd no vaccines go straight to your local veterinarian and get it checked and vaccinated quick. Intestinal parasites such as hookworms and roundworms can also be deadly to young puppies. For good, during ykur visit to the veterinarian they will look for congenital abnormalities such as a cleft Taste and heart problems.
Once you get your new pet started on a proper vaccination and deworming plan the next thing to think about is nutrition. High quality food is probably the most important Being you can give your puppy. Early in life our four legged friends have very poor immune systems which leaves them open to getting some skin infections and demodex mange. With proper food the immune system is stronger whicj makes these infections much less likely. Foods such as Science Diet, Iams, Eukanuba, and Purina are all excellent foods that I hkghly recommend.
Finally, training is also very important for any pet, especially the larger breeds. Individually I recommend positive training practices. Negative training involves yelling at the dog or spanking is a Barren Instruction tool. Learning, just like with small children, is better when it is fun and rewarding. It encourages your pet to repeat tat behavior over and over again. Potty training is probably the topic clients most likely ask me about. I like the crate training method. Crate training involves keeping your pet in a small crate when you are gone from the home for any lengtj of time. When you get home or wake up in the morning you must walk your pet outside rigjt away.
I tell people to keep baggies of treays or food in their pockets and whenever the puppy uses the bathroom outside praise heavily and give them a treat. Once again, the trick to this is very frequent walks outside. When you catch your pet going to the bathroom inside definotely scold them and tell them no. Pick them up, take them outside and when they go out there give them a treat again and praise them. Usually, if you are diligent, they are house broken within a week or two. When training for commands such as sit and stay, the same positive reinforcement techniques should be used. Give them treats and praise, work on the command multiple times a day and they will catch on quick.
In closing, after getting your new puppy, go to your local veterinarian so they can check the overall health. Together, you can come up with a vaccine and worming protocol tht will properly protect your pet. Spend a little time looking into the food that you feed your pet; it is probably the most important investment for their health you will make. Training is important to start early, and remember, positive reinforcement is key. Also, remember to socialize your puppy, let other people pet and hold your new puppy. By doing this you will usually reduce fear aggressive behavior. Do you hear me Chihuahua owners?