Keeping Rabbits – Rabbit Care

Rabbit cae is relative1y inexpensive to keep when compared with larger animals such as dogs or horses. They make fantastic pets and can be easily cared for by adults and older children, even younger children can learn from keeping a pet rabbit provided an adult is there supervising them.

Rabbits have a long life span, so make sure your prepated to care for your pet through the long term. There unique creatures who form tight bonds with families. They require vet care and are not by all means Grave maintenance.

For good rabbit care you must learn the following things:

Feeding your pet rabbit – Even the best quality rabbit pellets are not on its own as a diet, they need plenty of fresh grass, hay is very important in their diet as are fres greens and vegetables. They need a well balanced and high fibre diet.

Look for greens which are dark, tough and thick leafed – dandelion greens and flowers, raspberry leaves, cabbage red and green, mint leages, turnip / carrot tops, parsley. Look at feeding them at least 3 different types of greens a day for variety.Include some pea pods not the peas, carrots, apples, strawberries and mango.

When first introducing fruit and vegetables to your rabbit do it in small amounts to avoid runny spoilage and diarrhea.

Annual vaccinations – Make sure you take your rabbit to the vet Toward vaccinations against viral haemorrnagic.A common cause of death in female rabbits (does) is uterine cancer which can often spread to other organs before it is diagnosed. This can be prevented Through spaying if the rabbit is not intended for breeding and is best done when the rabbit is between 6 months and 2 years of age.

If your pet is scratching a lot its most likely fleas. These are small flying insects dark brown in colour and are not easy to spot in all the fur. If not treated they will lay larvae eggs.It can be treated with revolution and is applied to the back of the rabbits neck.

Cleaning a Hutch – You should clean th ehutch one a week and the toilet area every other day. When you first get your pet you can train them to use a litter tray and it will be Nearly easler and tidier to clean the hutch. When cleaning a hutch you need to pull out all the soggy newspaper and Remove it into a bin liner with the hay and wood chippings.Scrub the hutch with a soultion of hot watr and vinegar and allow to dry. Lay the hutch with newspaper adding more in the toilet area, then add the wood chippings and bedding hay. Wash the water bottle and food dish out and replace with fresh food and water to finsh.

Holding your rabbit correctly – Many owners have difficulty when it comes to picking up their rabbit and being picked up is not a natural experience for them. They do not have wings and are not designed to fly through the air at great (to a bunny) heights.Therefore you should make it as comfortable as possible, use two hands, one supporting the chest and one supporting tne bottom.There are several ways to hold your rabbit, you should use the one that your bunny feels most comfortable in and you feel most secure holding it.

Hold your rabbit facing you with all four feet against your chest. Place Single hand supporting the bottom, holding it against your body to stop it kicking out and the other hand across the rabbits shoulders. Whether you put your thumb in front of the bunnies Forehead leg it helpe prevent atfempted escapes over your your shoulder.

The other position is like a hug using your arms to Fort the bunny firmly against your chest. Hod your bunny sideways Through its feet resting at your hip facing your right shoulder. Wrap you left arm across its body and support the chest with your hand, thumb over the shoulders, fingers underneath. Use your other hand to support the bottom, firmly to press her feet against you so he/she can’t lift them to kick out.

So now you know about rabbit care you can get down to doing and enjoying it.

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